Retrieve your money

From Stock trading fraud

If you are deceived by fraudsters,
Please contact us, our expert team will do their best to recover your money

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The first step in protecting oneself from fraud or fraud is to understand the threat. But even if you are deceived, don't lose hope. Please continue reading to learn about the most common cryptocurrency scams and how we can provide assistance.

How does the stock market operate?

The stock market is a form of centralized trading where investors can buy and sell ownership (stocks) of various companies. Most global stock markets are strictly regulated and involve legal, nationally registered, and regulated brokers to facilitate the transfer of stocks from sellers to buyers. Examples of regulated stock exchanges include NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers for Automated Quotations) in the United States. Our ability to enter the stock market has never been so easy, and the entry threshold has been decreasing year by year.

But this convenient access method is not without danger. In the fields of investment and stocks, we are both susceptible to different types of investment fraud, so we have a responsibility to conduct due diligence and protect ourselves and our funds from victims of stock fraud and fraud.

Has the stock market been manipulated?

For many people, one of the biggest problems with the stock market is that it has been manipulated. Is that right? The US stock market is regulated by multiple government and non-governmental entities, such as the SEC and FINRA. The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Supervisory Authority both have overlapping legal responsibilities, responsible for overseeing stock exchanges and promoting various brokers involved in stock trading. However, this does not mean that we can avoid all forms of fraud and fraud. Current and past companies intentionally deceive individual investors and/or engage in illegal accounting and business practices, such as ENRON and Valent Pharmaceuticals. Some fraudsters created "unbelievably good" advertisements, leading to the Ponzi scheme - the worst actor in history was Bernie Madoff. Even regulated online stockbrokers do not fulfill trust obligations on behalf of clients - a recent example is Robinhood during the GameStop crash in early 2022. Although the stock market carries significant risks and many people want to exploit you, the vast majority of brokers and exchanges operate in a legal, ethical, and lawful manner.

Your refund guarantee

The process of fund recovery may be lengthy and requires perseverance. Therefore, it is crucial that our customers are prepared and trust us at every step. Therefore, if you have any questions for any reason, you can request a full refund within the first 14 working days of this process.

The types of fraud we can help you prevent

Sidley Austin LLP is a U.S. company, licensed and regulated in the United States and operating globally.